
Lowering stress by going back to our roots

Here at EcoRealm, we know that humans are meant to be outside. We also know that that’s not always possible. That’s why we are bringing the indoors to you. We created a hydroponic self sustaining plant partition that brings all of the positive effects of nature into the workplace. Through our plant partitions, we hope to revolutionize the workspace by decreasing stress and increasing productivity by going back to basics.

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FML Study

Starting on October 29th, we will be implementing our first partitions in the Fairchild-Martindale Library at Lehigh University. By doing this, we hope to see how students interact with the space. What do they like? What do they hate? Are they completely indifferent to the entire experience? The only way we will get to the…

Industry Interviews

As a part of our summer experience, our team interviewed industry experts such as interior plantscapers, hydroponic growers, & plant nurseries. These interviews served as an introduction to the space we are planning to step into & illuminated how the current solutions to bring plants into the workplace can be optimized & expanded through the…

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